Thursday, May 29, 2014

Amazing Tree Houses

We are learning to use adjectives to make the reader feel excited about our stories.

We know adjectives are describing or wow words.

Check out what these clever authors wrote;

Author Charlie wrote:

Wow! Look, there is an invisible tree house high up in the tree which is in the dark forest. “How do we get up though?” I asked. Look, there is a short staircase that leads to a bridge. No one can see it and no one can see you because it is magical, they can only see the woods. There is a password and if you get it wrong two times an alarm will go on outside then security guards will run in and might shoot you with their paint ball guns and it really hurts. The password is 8434 5678107, you have to do that and they you say a word password, it is because. The tree hut has three rooms and the walls and the roof are made out of glass but very strong glass that can not break. The floor is made out of strong blue wood. My bedroom has heaps of toys and a huge star bed that has a Ben 10 cover.
Suddenly, there was a puff of smoke and I started to spring out from the tree house. I saw a button pop up on the bridge so I pushed it down then a sign popped up. It said beware the angry witch is coming. I sprinted back inside and hid under my bed and after 2 minutes a boy fairy came under my bed then he told me a secret. He said, “Jump out the window and wait until the witch goes in the tree hut and I will steal her witches broom and you can zoom back home.” When I got home I wished school could finish at writing time so I could me my fairy friend again and have another adventure.

Author Ayden wrote:

In a long stretchy path you will see a secret hideout that looks like a silver rain drop that looks like a flower that wants to gobble you up. When you get to the tree house you’ve got to say the password. The password is 808. If you get it wrong three times a foot with a shiny shoe will kick you into a trap.
The floor is creaky because it is old wood. It has missing pieces so you will need to be careful. You will see a square table with goodies and presents that are tiny and enormous from Santa. I gave Santa cookies with some beer. He ate all of the chocolate chip cookies and he drank all of the bubbly beer. Then he went to Zack’s house. Suddenly, my tree house started to move and shake like an earthquake. I looked out of the window and there was a huge dinosaur trying to destroy my house. When he gave up trying to destroy my house I spotted my house down the road so I sprinted back for lunch at my Nana’s house.

Author Ethan wrote:

In the tall trees I am the owner of all tree houses. I am not letting anybody in them except Riley. I am going to put some tape on the staircase. It is going to say don’t come in please! When we come in we will hear music. We will dance to it. There will be beds. We will sleep together. In the middle of the night we heard stomping feet then ROAR! ROAR! ROAR! went the monster. We shivered and then BANG! CRASH! the wind blew trees down. We hid under my bed then the monster went away.

Author Dom wrote:

My invisible house is in the dark forest. It is invisible because it is camouflaged like a tree with windows and a door. I peeked through the tiny key hole. I saw a giant chocolate cake on the table. I twisted the door handle. Suddenly, I heard something coming, it sound like a witch. I sprinted through the door into the dark forest. I heard the witch coming after me so I sprinted faster until I spotted my house along the road!

Author Caitlin wrote:

Hiding away in the amazing Redwoods is a fluffy strawy nest. It has a twirling staircase that leads to my bedroom and I have some tweeting birds perched on my pink window sill. I have a magic jewelry box that takes me to the top of the clouds so I can see my ginger fluffy guinea pigs. My hut is very stable because it is ties with bits of strong rope. My bed is very fluffy because it is made out of cotton balls. There are pink concrete walls in every room and red wooden floor boards. There is a special green button next to the door that brings down the massive flat screen TV and in front of the TV is a snugly couch made out of birds feathers.
Suddenly, there was a sparkle of silver light. Wow, Butterfly the butterfly fairy shot out of a cup. I couldn't believe my eyes. Butterfly turned me into a beautiful fairy and we both flew to fairyland. When we got to fairyland we fluttered to the fairy fields to help the green grass grow.


  1. Awesome stories room 14... .what fabulous authors :-)

  2. Awesome writing room 14. Those are cool treehouses.
