Tuesday, March 18, 2014


We are reading The Twits by Roald Dahl as a class book. We are learning to visualise - get a picture in our heads of what is happening in the story. This helps us to think about and understand what is happening in the story. Learning to visualise made us think about how we add detail to our own stories in writing time so readers can get a picture in their head.

We know clever readers think about what they are reading and create a picture in their head.

We know clever writers add lots of detail to create a picture for the reader.

In Room 14 we are clever readers and writers!

Check out this great visualising by Caitlin;


  1. Well done Room 14! Good readers DO visualise in their heads what the author has written and good writers give the reader lots of interesting detail so he or she can visualise your story. Tino pai rawa

  2. Awesome work Caitlin, you did some great creative work in showing us the picture you have in your beautiful mind of Mr & Mrs Twit and what they look like to you. It's not easy to us what you hear about in a story, I'm really proud of all the kids in room 14 and the work they can do with their reading and writing. Kepp going room 14 kids.........what else can you show us.

    Nadine (Caitlin's mum)
