Friday, April 04, 2014

Developing Our Oral Language Skills - News Time

WALT develop our talking skills so that we can share our ideas with others.

On Friday's we have started having 'news sharing time' where children can share something that is important or special to them with the class. Children can tell a story or share an item. We know that news time is not a time for toys. The purpose is to develop our talking skills through sharing something special about us.

Today, Ayden and Balin shared.

Balin shared a very special map of Australia. He made a key, using stars, for his map that shows where people in his family live and where his Dad grew up. 

Ayden goes to Bay City Tae Kwon Do. He is a green belt and has won many medals and trophies at tournaments. What a dedicated sportsman!

When children are sharing their ideas we can listen and then ask a question. We are learning about the difference between a question and a statement. We use these cards to help us start our questions with an asking word.....

1 comment:

  1. I'm so pleased to see this news sharing happening in Room 14.
