Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Today we used our visualising skills to draw a Nogard. Mrs Ramsay read out a piece of text and we had to draw what we pictured in our head.

What is a Nogard?
The nogard is an animal. It has an oval-shaped body. It has a long neck and tail. The top of the neck, back and tail are covered with a row of triangular shaped plates. The nogard's head is shaped like a long triangle. It has big eyes and eyebrows that stick out. It's body is covered with scales. The nogard has four short legs. At the end of each leg is a foot with five toes. Each toe has a sharp claw at the end. The nogard has two wings attached to its body.

A clue: A nogard is usually green but change to a deep purple during the winter months.

Cahlia's Nogard

Zack's Nogard


  1. Fantastic Nogards Rm 14!!!! They look very fierce!

  2. awesome nogards i have done that in year 3 :D :3

  3. Wow Cahlia and Zach your visualising skills are really accurate. Keep up the good work.

  4. Awesome Nogard.Keep it up

  5. wow room 14 I like your nogard photos.

  6. Fantastic Nogards room 14 they look great
